Why does fruit make me bloated?FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE 101

Why does fruit make me bloated? FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE 101


Fructose is a type of sugar found in fruit, honey, and high-fructose corn syrup.

The body can only process and absorb a certain amount of fructose at a time, and that capacity varies on a bioindividual basis.

Once that threshold has been exceeded, excess fructose draws water into the intestine and is fermented by gut microbes, causing abdominal pain, gas, bloating, belching, nausea, and loose stools.


Fructose malabsorption can also interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients, including tryptophan, folate, and zinc.

Beyond gastrointestinal symptoms, some people also experience fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle stiffness, diminished concentration, or depression after consuming excessive amounts of fructose.

Fructose intolerance can be diagnosed by a breath test or blinded consumption challenge, but the easiest way to identify your fructose tolerance is to eliminate high-fructose foods and see if your symptoms improve.

Fructose intolerance can be diagnosed by a breath test or blinded consumption challenge, but the easiest way to identify your fructose tolerance is to eliminate high-fructose foods and see if your symptoms improve.


  • apples

  • pears

  • grapes

  • melon

  • cherries

  • plums

  • peaches

  • apricots

  • mangoes

  • dried fruit

  • beets

  • juice

  • soda

  • agave

  • honey

  • high-fructose corn syrup

  • sweet sauces


  • sugar alcohols (erythritol, xylitol, etc)*

  • wheat & barley**

  • onions & garlic**

  • zucchini**

  • inulin**

*Sugar alcohols do not technically contain fructose, but they interfere with absorption & worsen symptoms.

**Some people are also sensitive to grains & alliums that contain fructans, which are long chains of fructose molecules.

high-fructose foods


Just as sugar alcohols interfere with fructose absorption, certain molecules improve it.

Consuming glucose or amino acids with fructose-containing foods can improve tolerance.

In other words, try to pair high-fructose foods with protein to reduce symptoms.


Most importantly, supporting a healthy gut lining can improve fructose tolerance.

The body's ability to absorb nutrients is hindered when there is damage or inflammation from infection, gluten intolerance, autoimmune issues, intestinal hyperpermeability, or IBS.

As the gut heals, fructose absorption can improve and allow you to enjoy fructose-containing foods without issue.

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12 High-Fructose Foods


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