What it sounds like to have FOOD FREEDOM

What it sounds like to have FOOD FREEDOM

“Just because food is available doesn’t mean I need to eat it, I can stop when I’m satisfied.”

“There is no rush, I can take time to fully savor the flavors and textures in each bite.”

“What I eat is not a moral decision, so I don’t have to feel guilty.”

“My eating decisions are guided by the question: how will this food feel in my body?

“There are no “forbidden foods”, but there are some that I freely choose not to eat because they don’t make me feel good.”

“When my body is properly nourished, that is when I look and feel my best.”

“I don’t have to compare what I’m eating to others because my body will communicate what it needs.”

“For most meals, I honor my body with nutritionally wealthy ‘everyday foods’, but occasionally I honor myself with ‘joy foods.’”

“I can stop eating before I am completely full; if I get hungry later I can eat more then.”

“Eating is more than just providing nutrients, it is also for celebrating, building community, and elevating daily life.”

“I can take my time and eat what I need, the food will not run out.”

“I want each meal to be as beautiful, colorful, and flavorful as possible.”

“It is ok for me to be hungry sometimes. I am not ignoring my body, but am not starving either.”

“My body is like a child: it is resilient yet requires care and gentleness.”

What it sounds like to have FOOD FREEDOM
What it sounds like to have FOOD FREEDOM
What it sounds like to have FOOD FREEDOM
What it sounds like to have FOOD FREEDOM

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