HOW TO MAKE YOGURT: oven, instantpot, & crockpot versions


how to make yogurt

YOU NEED: gallon milk, 1/4 cup plain yogurt with "live active cultures" (starter)

1. Heat milk in large pot over medium heat, stirring often so it does not scorch or boil over. Remove from heat when milk reaches 180°F (a digital or candy thermometer works well).

2. Let the milk cool until it reaches 108°F (can take up to 2 hours). If a skin forms, stir it back in or remove.

3. Scoop out 1 cup of warm milk and whisk with yogurt starter until smooth. Whisk back into pot of milk.

4. Transfer pot to oven, close door, and turn on oven light to maintain incubation temperature. Culture for 4-12 hours (or overnight) until reaches desired texture.

longer culture time = more tart & thicker

Culturing time is more of an art than a science, culture according to your taste and texture preferences.

5. Chill.

6. For Greek-style yogurt, strain the finished yogurt through cheesecloth and discard the liquid whey. Alternatively, the liquid whey can be whisked in, but stirring too much can make it slimy.

OPTIONAL: Mix in vanilla, maple syrup, jam, or fruit.

7. Enjoy within ~2 weeks. You can save some for the stater of your next batch!

instapot yogurt


1. Add milk, cover, press YOGURT button, and set to BOIL. This will heat it to ~180°F.

2. Remove inner pot, let milk cool to 108°F.

3. Add starter as detailed above.

4. Return to Instapot, cover, press YOGURT button again, and adjust time between 8-12 hours.

Follow steps 5-7 as above.

crockpot version


1. Add milk, cover, turn on low about 2 hours or until it reaches ~180°F (every crockpot different).

2. Unplug crockpot, remove lid, let sit for 3 hours or until ~108°F.

3. Add starter as detailed above.

4. Return lid, wrap in 2 towels, and let culture 8-12 hours.

Follow steps 5-7 as above.

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Crockpot or Slow-cooker Yogurt. Retrieved from:

Instantpot Yogurt Recipe. Retrieved from:

How to Make Yogurt at Home. Retrieved from:

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