A Functional Nutrition Approach to Helicobacter pylori

A Functional Nutrition Approach to Helicobacter pylori


Helicobacter pylori is a type of bacteria that lives in the lining of the stomach.

When the body is stressed, it can grow out of control and trigger an immune attack, leading to inflammation and tissue damage.

In serious cases, an H pylori infection contributes to iron-deficiency anemia, ulcers, and stomach cancer.

H pylori produces enzymes & virulence factors that allow it to burrow into the mucus layer of the stomach, where it can survive the  acidic environment  with minimal  competition from  other microbes.

H pylori produces enzymes & virulence factors that allow it to burrow into the mucus layer of the stomach, where it can survive the acidic environment with minimal competition from other microbes.


H pylori is found in over half the world population but is asymptomatic in most individuals.

It is believed that humans and H pylori evolved together: we provide a place for it to live and it helps "train" our immune system in return.

In that sense, it is "normal".


While this bacteria is necessary for the development of ulcers and stomach cancer, it is not sufficient (otherwise over half the world would have these conditions).

Stress, diet, medication use, strain & host genetics, and overall gut health impact whether or not H pylori becomes pathogenic.


IF SERIOUS: When H pylori is found in a serious infection, it must be treated.

This typically involves a combination of acid blockers and antibiotics, but herbal antimicrobials are sometimes used (which decreases risk of it developing antibiotic resistance).

IF ASYMPTOMATIC: If H pylori is found in an asymptomatic individual, preventative treatment may or may not be necessary.

If someone has a personal or family history of ulcers or stomach cancer, then eradication is recommended.

On the other hand, the presence of H pylori may actually be protective against autoimmunity, asthma, allergies, and esophageal conditions like GERD.




antimicrobial herbals

green tea

dark grapes & berries (cranberry, elderberry, blueberry)

black cumin

broccoli sprouts

vitamin C + E

zinc carnosine

Lactobacillus probiotics



cabbage juice



mastic gum



N-acetyl-cysteine (disrupts mucus layer)

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