7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store

7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store

  1. Shop the perimeter

    You will find the freshest whole foods around the outside of the store (produce, meats, dairy).

  2. Buy in bulk when possible

    You don’t have to buy the gallon jug of ketchup, but be conscious of when you are paying for extra packaging.

    For example, applesauce in a jar is much cheaper per ounce than individual applesauce cups.

  3. Compare & contrast

    Many stores will put the price per ounce in the corner of the price tag–this makes it easy to compare products that come in different sized packages.

  4. Don’t be afraid to buy the store brand

    You will often pay extra for the name brand on the label, not necessarily for a better product.

  5. Keep it simple

    Remember, convenience is costly and extra packaging = extra price.

  6. Be attentive to marketing claims

    Products are covered with symbols, buzzwords, and health claims. Sometimes they are helpful, but they can often be misleading.

    For example, Oreos are "plant-based" and gummy worms are "fat-free", but it doesn't make either healthy.

  7. Check ingredients

    If there are 6 or more—or if there are any you can't pronounce—best to skip it.

7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store
7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store
7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store
7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store
7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store
7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store
7 Top Tips for Saving at the Grocery Store

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