20 Signs of Fatty Acid Need
  1. I have dry, flaky skin or dandruff.

  2. I know that I have deficiency(s) of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K.

  3. I have had my gallbladder removed.

  4. I have eczema, rashes, or scaly skin.

  5. I tend to get infections often.

  6. I crave fatty or greasy foods.

  7. I currently eat a reduced-fat diet.

  8. I have dry eyes or low tear production.

  9. My muscles are easily fatigued.

  10. I sunburn easily.

  11. I experience symptoms of depression.

  12. I get tension headaches at the base of my skull.

  13. I experience nausea after eating large amounts of fat.

  14. I experience excessive hair loss.

  15. No matter how much lotion I use, my skin is still dry.

  16. I experience headaches in the hot sun.

  17. I experience pain relief from aspirin.

  18. I ate a low-fat diet in the past.

  19. My stools often float or appear greasy.

  20. My cuts tend to heal slowly.

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