WHAT IS IMMUNE TOLERANCE? (and how to nutritionally stimulate Tregs)

WHAT IS IMMUNE TOLERANCE?  (and how to nutritionally stimulate Tregs)

What is immune tolerance?

Immune tolerance describes how the immune system adapts to tolerate certain proteins that are not harmful.

You want to have immune tolerance to food, beneficial gut microbes, pregnancy, and your own cells—without it you can experience food allergies, inflammation, and autoimmunity.

What are Tregs?

This tolerance is primarily regulated by white blood cells called Tregs.

Tregs suppress and "calm down" the inflammatory response of other immune cells.

Tregs can be stimulated to improve conditions that involve an overreaction of the immune system, like autoimmunity, asthma, psoriasis, allergies and hypersensitivities, gut issues, and cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

The two main T cell responses are Th1 and Th2 reactions. They occur in balance with one another, like a teeter-totter. Tregs promote tolerance of food and balance between both responses, reducing hypersensitivities, allergies, and autoimmunity.

The two main T cell responses are Th1 and Th2 reactions. They occur in balance with one another, like a teeter-totter. Tregs promote tolerance of food and balance between both responses, reducing hypersensitivities, allergies, and autoimmunity.

Nutrients to Stimulate Tregs


Health is about balance, especially when it comes to the immune system.

It is not recommended to stimulate Tregs in cases of serious infection or cancer, as those conditions necessitate a strong immune reaction (not suppression).

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