The Metabolism Campfire (why not all calories are burned equally)

The Metabolism Campfire  (why not all calories are burned equally)

Not all fuel is created equal (learn more).


the fire-starters

Carbs burn hot and fast like kindling. They are great for quick energy, but you have to constantly "feed the fire" to sustain energy throughout the day.


the logs

Once your body starts burning fat, you can sit back and relax. Like logs, fats burn slowly and consistently for long periods of time. You do not have to worry about refueling for a while.


the stool

Proteins are most valuable for structure and function. Your body prefers to use them for building rather than fuel. But in case you run low on carbs or fats, you can burn your stool as emergency energy.

carbohydrate metabolism
fat metabolism
protein metabolism

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Haas, E. M; Levin, B. (2006). Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. Celestial Arts.

Jones, D. S., Bland, J. S., & Quinn, S. (2010). Textbook of Functional Medicine. Institute for Functional Medicine.


MACRONUTRIENTS 101: all you need to know about fats, carbs, & proteins


Food Allergies VS Hypersensitivities VS Intolerances