Conventional VS Alternative Medicine: which is the better approach?

Conventional VS Alternative Medicine: which is the better approach?


Conventional medicine (aka allopathic, mainstream, or Western medicine) is the approach to health care in which doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and therapists treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, surgery, technology, and emergency medical procedures.

The conventional medical system excels at treating acute, life-or-death issues.  Think of conventional medical professionals like firefighters: they are well-trained to "put out fires" and are the first to respond in an emergency.

In the last century alone, life-saving medical technology has advanced exponentially—benefiting millions of lives.


The conventional medical system excels at treating acute, life-or-death issues.

Think of conventional medical professionals like firefighters: they are well-trained to "put out fires" and are the first to respond in an emergency.


Alternative medicine (aka functional, holistic, or complementary medicine) is the approach to health care that focuses on healing the whole person using non-pharmaceutical therapies to support vitality and longevity.

Alternative medicine excels at treating chronic issues when the body needs to heal.   Think of alternative medical professionals like carpenters: they are well-trained to "rebuild" and support strong foundational health.

This approach often prioritizes proper nutrition and focuses on addressing the root causes of disease, which is never a "quick fix".


Alternative medicine excels at treating chronic issues when the body needs to heal.

Think of alternative medical professionals like carpenters: they are well-trained to "rebuild" and support strong foundational health.

Which is the better approach?

Neither. Both have their place.

The carpenter's skills & tools are not of much use when the house is on fire. The firefighter is the expert in this situation.

Once the fire is put out, the carpenter is the expert in rebuilding. The firefighter's hose is no longer useful (in fact, it can do more harm when not needed).

Conventional VS Alternative Medicine: which is the better approach?

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What's in a Name? National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Retrieved from

Overview of Integrative, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine. Merck Manuals Professional Edition. Retrieved from


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