A Functional Nutrition Approach to Crohn’s Disease

A Functional Nutrition Approach to Crohn’s Disease

A Functional Nutrition Approach to Crohn’s Disease

What is Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn's disease is a form of irritable bowel disease characterized by dysbiosis and an inappropriate immune reaction to intestinal microbes.

This inflammatory response damages the gut lining, impairs nutrient absorption, and contributes to deficiencies.

The most common symptom is chronic diarrhea, but it can also cause abdominal pain, bloating, weight loss, joint stiffness, and elevated inflammatory markers in the blood and gut.

Crohn's disease is closely connected to childhood or recurrent antibiotic use, intestinal infections, low vitamin D levels, and inflammatory diet & lifestyle factors.

A Functional Nutrition Approach to Crohn’s Disease

Dietary Irritants in Crohn’s Disease

*Consider testing for additional allergies to identify your optimal bioindividual diet for managing Crohn's.

Dysbiosis and Crohn’s Disease

Dysbiosis in Crohn's disease involves an overabundance of opportunistic microbes and poor microbial diversity.

Additionally, there are often low levels of butyrate-producing species, which have a protective effect in a healthy gut.

There are also high antibodies to yeast, part of an inflammatory immune response that contributes to intestinal damage and inflammation.

Ways to Support Gut Health in Crohn’s Disease


crowd out inflammatory foods with a variety of colorful, antioxidant plant foods, herbs, spices, whole grains, legumes, and oily fish


stress, smoking, alcohol, antibiotics, NSAIDs, OCPs, and processed foods can all contribute to symptom flares


fiber from whole foods promotes growth of beneficial butyrate-producing bacteria


zinc, vitamin D, omega-3s, L-glutamine, FOS prebiotics, NAC, turmeric, wormwood, boswellia

A Functional Nutrition Approach to Crohn’s Disease

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cover image: Ricuarte Archila L, Hagen CE. Crohn's disease. PathologyOutlines.com website. https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/coloncrohns.html. Accessed May 22nd, 2024.


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