9 Whole Food Sources of QUALITY PROTEIN

9 Whole Food Sources of QUALITY PROTEIN
9 Whole Food Sources of QUALITY PROTEIN

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Quality Proteins


Haas, E. M; Levin, B. (2006). Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. Celestial Arts.

Protein and Amino Acids. USDA National Agricultural Library. Retrieved from https://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/protein-and-amino-acids.

Protein. (2019). The Nutrition Source. Havard School of Public Health. Retrieved from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/protein/

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2021). Dietary Proteins. MedlinePlus. Retrieved from https://medlineplus.gov/dietaryproteins.html.


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